Use of English C1 Book

10 Use of English Tests for C1 Advanced (CAE)

Get your book today and prepare for Cambridge CAE with these 10 practice tests for C1 Advanced Use of English.

c1 advanced (CAE) resources

Contents of Use of English c1

10 complete Use of English practice tests, which include Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. 

Use our custom answer sheets to get used to transferring your answers like in the real exam.

Mark and score each test by following the marking scheme that Cambridge English uses.

Don't just wonder what you did right or wrong; mark your own tests and learn from your mistakes.


Be ready for the test by learning the ins and outs of each part: length, focus, number of items, etc.

Find out the answers to all the burning questions you have about Use of English in C1 Advanced (CAE). 

100% exam styled

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Part 1 - Multiple Choice

Part 1 consists of a short text with eight gaps. The text is then followed by eight groups of four words or phrases (A, B, C or D), each of which corresponds to a gap. Candidates must select which of the four words or sentences in the set correctly fills the gap.

Part 2 - Open cloze

Part 2 consists of a short text with eight gaps in it. To fill each gap, candidates must draw on their knowledge of content structure and comprehension. Candidates must think of a term that will correctly fill the gap. 

Part 3 - Word formation

Part 3 is a short text with eight gaps. A stem word in capital letters appears at the end of some of the lines, separated from the text on the right. To fill each gap, candidates must build an appropriate word from the given stem words. 

Part 4 - Key word transformation

Part 4 is made up of six questions (plus an example). Each question has a complete lead- in sentence, a key word, and a gapped sentence. Candidates must fill in the blank in the second sentence so that it means the same as the lead-in sentence. 

Use of English C1 in PDF or Paperback

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about the author

Luis Porras Wadley

Luis Porras Wadley is the owner and director of KSE Academy, an English academy and official Cambridge Exam Preparation Centre based in Granada. Luis has been preparing Cambridge candidates successfully for over ten years. He is the author of other successful books, including Speaking First, Speaking CAE, Speaking CPE and The Ultimate B2 First Writing Guide

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